
    Please complete all questions in as much details as possible

    01.All purchaser’s contact details

    02.Your full name/s as you wish the owners to appear on the title. If you are borrowing money, the names must match the mortgage documents, unless you make specific arrangements with the bank.

    03.If you are buying in more than one name please advise whether you wish to purchase as:-

    04. Are you buying this property to

    05. Are you a First Home Buyer?

    06. Are all purchasers Australian citizens, the holder of a permanent visa or a New Zealand citizen holding
    a Special Category Visa (subclass 444)?

    Country of citizenship if not an Australian citizen

    07. Are you borrowing money for the purchase? If yes, Please provide contact details of your banker or broker:-

    08. Is the refinance of any other property involved?

    09. Please advise the dates of birth of all purchasers.

    10. is/are the holder(s) of a Concession Card and wish to apply for a Stamp Duty rebate.

    11. If you are purchasing the property in the name of a Trust, please advise:

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